Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Pages 683 - 693

I'm going to focus on one particular artwork from these pages, Glenn Ligon's Untitled (I Feel Most Colored...) 1990. I loved this painting because it reminded me a lot of Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe's Lips, the way that it starts clean at the top and as the stencil moves down the artwork it becomes barely recognizable. What I really love about this work is the way the words move down the painting, it becomes completely black against the white background. I also especially love the fact that she uses the word "thrown" against the white background. Using the word "thrown" brings out an almost aggressive meaning to the phrase, signifying brutality. When I read it I picture someone literally being thrown against a wall, and I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it speaks loudly to me. And as each phrase is repeated down the canvas its as if she is thrown over and over again until there is nothing left of the meaning.

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